Travel Info

Somaliland is an autonomous region in northwestern Somalia that functions as a de facto country. Although the government is working to establish full safety there, visiting is still not advised by the governments of Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the US. However, it is seen as much safer than its counterparts: Somalia and Puntland.

The local Somaliland authorities declared the region's independence from the rest of Somalia in May 1991, but neither the Somali federal government nor any other country or international organization has recognized its sovereignty.

The area is viewed as much safer than most of its neighbouring East African countries. The local government is very anxious to show its stability and, as a result, foreigners are generally treated with respect and interest. High unemployment and increasing discontent at being an unrecognized area of stability in a grim region does cause some resentment, yet very little and nothing too serious to worry about. For visitors exercising caution and respect, Somaliland is a fascinating and quite safe place to visit.

Land Somaliland is a sovereign state in the Horn of Africa sharing its borders with Republic of Djibouti, Federal Republic of Ethiopia and Somalia to the east. It has an area of 137.600 square kilometers.
Country Code +252
Climate The country's climate is a mixture of wet and dry conditions. The average temperature is between 25 and 30 Degrees Celsius.
People Somaliland has a population of around 3.5 million people. The population consists of various principal groups of clans or clan families.
Language The main official language is Somali. Arabic is also an official language but much less spoken. English is widely spoken in many areas because it is a former British protectorate.
Capital Hargeisa
Economy The country has a small economy, agriculture being the back bone especially livestock, the production of cereals and horticulture. It also has a hugely diverse quantity of mineral deposits across the country.
Currency The main currency used is the Somaliland shilling (SlSh) which is regulated by the Bank of Somaliland. There are a few ATM machines in the country. However it is very easy and fast to send money through the many remittance/money transfer companies. Exchanging your money can in every corner of street. The US Dollar is widely accepted for purchasing goods.
Time Somaliland is in the GMT +3 hour zone.
Religion Almost 100 % Islamic